A Netflix poster of Outer Banks season four.
*Warning: This article contains spoilers of Season Four of Outer Banks*
The ending episode of “Outer Banks” left me jaw dropped and in tears.
The first part of season four was definitely on the happier, hopeful side of things. After the Pogues have found the treasure and lost family along the way the first part of season four was so happy and carefree. They built a business and weren’t involved in anything treasure hunt-related… until they were. Towards the end of part one they were presented with a lot of money which could help them keep their business afloat after JJ bet all their money away. This season JJ has most definitely been a very irritable character this season with his irresponsible actions when it comes to the money and gold they have/had remaining.
They of course accepted this money, which required them to treasure hunt. This presented them with many situations they were stuck in which is where part two picks up; Pope and Sarah are trapped and are at risk of drowning.
Part two is very full of constant challenges for the Pogues which was done well, but the way it ended is what I’m stuck on. Pope gets arrested after protecting JJ from a bullet after he goes on a rampage damaging the town recklessly, JJ is a fugitive running from cops, Pope gets put on probation and cuts off his ankle monitor to meet up with the Pogues and travel to Morocco, North Africa to find The Blue Crown with Rafe- plot twist!
While there they’re faced with many enemies, the biggest ones of this season being Chandler Groff and Hollis Robinson who are both on the hunt for the same thing. It is found out that Groff is JJ’s biological dad and ends up stabbing JJ. JJ dies this season which I think is a mistake and not just because he was a fan-favorite character.
While the creators have said this was always in the narrative for JJ, there is behind-the-scenes drama between JJ and Kie’s actors, Rudy Pankow and Madison Bailey. After season one was released Pankow’s girlfriend, Eloise Siemek, did not particularly favor their close relationship especially because on the show their characters slowly become romantically involved. Because of this, there were rumors of them refusing to film scenes together especially this season, where there are many cuts in scenes of the two together cuddling which very clearly displays their discomfort with each other.
Whether this rumor is true or not, I believe killing him off will cause them to lose viewership and attention because there’s been an uproar on social media since the release of part two.
The season as a whole was easy to watch and get through and the plot has remained consistent which I am happy with, minus the last episode, but who is happy about that? While some unrealistic things happen, like a pregnant Sarah and JJ surviving in the middle of the ocean during a storm, it was still an overall good season and I look forward to the season finale to see what they do with JJ’s death.