Photo Courtesy Reese Paul
Reese Paul (’23)
Q: Why did you originally choose eLearning for the first semester?
A: “My parents and I deemed it unsafe to go to in-school learning.”
Q: Are you going back for the second semester? Why or why not?
A: “Probably not, just because we (my family and I) don’t think it’s quite safe yet.”
A: “It was pretty close to what I expected, and something that definitely surprised me was how much I miss my teachers and fellow students. I’m not a super social person, but I miss in-school learning.”
Q: Did you have to come to school for practices, games, tests, etc.? How did it feel?
A: “Nope! I’m just at home.”
Q: What is something you’ve learned from eLearning about studying, time management, etc.?
A: “I’ve learned so much more about technology in general. Before this I didn’t know how to properly write emails or use online resources too well.”
Q: Has eLearning changed you as a student in any way? If so, how? If not, how did you maintain the same student mindset and study habit as you would’ve in-person?
A: “Absolutely. It has definitely erased my motivation, and it’s much harder to stay focused when I’m at home.”
Q: If there was anything you could tell yourself before you started the first semester, what would it be?
A: “Please, please, please don’t fall behind.”