SGA sponsors Ugly Sweater day this Friday

Athena Crews, Staff Writer

Friday is the last day before exam week and the holidays and in order to celebrate, student government has decided to spread the word to wear ugly sweaters.

“It’s something really simple to get everyone in the festive mood,” McKenna Tyson (’17), senior class president, said.

Student government adviser Kristina Chowning said the main goal of the day is to raise student morale.

“[We just want] to get school spirit in recognition of the holidays,” she said.

If you don’t have an ugly christmas sweater, you can find some here:

Target | Walmart | Macy’s

Or, you can make your own holiday sweater using old decorations, led lights, feathers, glitter, anything you can find to make it your own. The uglier, the better! Remember, it’s supposed to be an ugly sweater, so who’s going to judge?