Teaching marine and environmental science, Laura Curts is in her first year with the Knights, and we are lucky to have her.
Always having teacher aspirations, Curts knew she wanted to be an educator from the get-go. Having found her passion in the sciences, she loves the variety teaching science brings.
“My favorite part of teaching science is that we get to do a little bit of everything,” Curts said. “We draw, we build, we read, we dissect, we take notes, we do math. Science teachers get to see students in every aspect.”
By having a better perception of the students she is trying to teach, Curts can be a better and more effective teacher for her students. This desire to be the best possible instructor then perfectly lines up with her teaching philosophies and goals.
“My goal as an educator is to improve the lives of students and their families,” Curts said. “Every parent or guardian imagines that their student is being cherished and valued every day at school. They imagine that at least at some point their student smiles, learns, makes a friend or experiences support through a challenge.”
Overall, Curts wants to guarantee students have the best possible time at Robinson, receiving both quality education as well as having fun. By attempting to achieve both of these goals, Curts strives to be the best teacher possible for her students.
Her move to Robinson was anything but accidental, ending up here completely by choice.
“I decided to teach at Robinson after seeing how successful my daughters have been here,” Curts said. “I waited and waited for an opening in the science department while I was subbing. After subbing at other local schools, I knew that I wanted to be a Knight!”
Not only does Curts’s decision to teach at RHS demonstrate the school’s high ranking, but also her motivation to become a Knight. Curts didn’t choose her position off a list but rather spent large amounts of time waiting for an opening, demonstrating her wish to teach at Robinson. It’s always good to have a teacher who has a true passion for teaching.
For Curts, teaching isn’t just her job; it’s also something she’s enthusiastic about. In particular, she enjoys setting up a student for future success.
“[My favorite part of teaching is] supporting a student to be an intrinsic learner – I don’t want them to learn because ‘I said so’ I want them to develop the ability to be self-motivated members of society,” Curts said.
Oftentimes, students ask: “How will this help me in the real world?” By helping push students to have a desire to keep learning and be motivated, Curts ensures that regardless of the day-to-day applications of her subject, her pupils leave with important knowledge and experiences that will help them later in life.
Curts is determined to ensure that her students have the best possible time in her class and that they embark with applicable knowledge that could be used in the real world.
“Ms. Curts is an innovative, dedicated science teacher,” IB Chemistry Teacher Melissa Golden said. “She has done a lot to improve both the traditional and Pre-IB science programs at Robinson, and is an asset to our school.”
Acting as a crucial component for RHS science and garnering praise from students and teachers alike, Robinson is glad to have Ms. Curts.