Book it to the Mobile Library!
Photo RHStoday File Photo
May 9, 2014
Because of AP and EOC testing in the Media Center until May 27th, many students who regularly used the library were worried that they would not be able to return or borrow books. Fortunately, media specialist Holly Schwarzmann has them covered.
She has been setting up her book mobile in the “Bubble” in the back of the cafeteria Tuesdays through Thursdays during mealtimes for students either return their borrowed books or peruse her selection of novels from the library.
“I have a book cart with probably around 100 books with me during lunch,” said Schwarzmann. “Most of the books are new fiction books that are more for “fun” reading, but I also have a few interesting non-fiction books and some of the more popular books that have been on the Florida Teen Reads list in the past couple of years.”
For other students who may be looking for books not on the mobile cart or need to use the library for other activities, there are still some options for them. Testing on Monday so students will be able to use the library after 11, and Schwarzmann will be in the media center before and after school to help students.
Schwarzmann is also an avid reader, which lets her understand the literary needs and interests of students.
“My favorite books that I had to read in high school were Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut and The Stranger by Albert Camus. Matilda by Roald Dahl has always been one of my favorites, and right now I’m reading Divergent [by Veronica Rot] because I wanted to see why all the students were checking it out,” said Schwarzmann.
Although at this point only a few students are visiting the Book Mobile, Schwarzmann is hoping for more participation as time goes on. If you have time, please “check out” the Book Mobile during lunches.