Adios Seniors! It’s Decision Day!
Seniors celebrate a new chapter of their lives by creating mini pennats announcing what college they’re going to.
Photo Allie Barton
Robbie Rice (left) and Tyler Kirkner (right) signing and creating their pennats for the decision day banner.
April 26, 2022
As seniors wrap up their last year of high school, some have chosen college for the next chapter of their life. On April 25, seniors all over the school, in their lunch period, wrote down what college they are attending in the coming school year. They took a mini pennant, wrote the college name and their name, then taped it to the banner displayed on a fence in the courtyard where all the seniors and juniors sit.
Deciding where to go it’s a big decision and an emotional one to make.
“There are a lot of mixed feelings. I’m really excited for this next stage of my life but I know I’m going to miss Robinson and all of the fun things that come with high school” Samantha Puddicombe (’22) commented on high school coming to a close.
Andrea Ramlakan shared why she is attending the University of Virginia for the next school year.
“I chose this college because it was close to family and I knew it would help me accomplish my goals in the pre-med area.”