Let’s Keep the ’80s

The ’80s are coming back!

Photo Curtesy of Robinson Yearbook ’82

Robinsons Baseball player serves a iconic ’80s look.

Sabrina Perez, Staff Writer

I get that the ’80s definitely had some negative things about it. including shoulder pads. However, the ’80s have brought back some amazing clothing trends and music.

The ’80s were more of a package deal with their leg warmers and big feathered hair.80s clothing trends included big pointy shoulder pads, bright neon power suites and how could you ever forget the amount of leg warmers and spandex that were used!

However, people seem to think that the ’80s are “rustic” and “outdated” but the reality is that the fashion industry benefited from the bright colors of the ’80s. The ’80s was such a huge stepping stone for clothing. If the bright colors of the ’80s didn’t happen, we would be stuck with dull colors and boring patterns.

When it came to makeup, extremely bright colors were used for eye shadow, such as light blue and bright pink. They would even go the extra mile to paint their nails for a more elegant look. The intense colors of the ’80s were a big change from the mostly monotone browns and darker-colored clothing of the ’70s.

The ’80s was a staple decade for music as well. In fact, it was when the rock band Queen started gaining popularity. Luckily ’80s music has started to make a comeback in current media. A great example of this is Kate Bush’s song “Running Up That Hill” which recently became popular again in the summer of 2022 with the drop of Netflix’s hit show “Stranger Things” season four.

Luckily representation doesn’t end with music. TV shows have also helped, especially shows like “Stranger Things.” The thing that stands out in this show is how well it’s been representing the ’80s. The show has taken time to make sure every detail is accurate to the ’80s. The hair and makeup team for this show really cares about the fans and makes sure to take the right precautions for “Stranger Things.” For example, the show makes sure to bring back the mullets and perms of the ’80s.

The ’80s have had some of the best representations of music and fashion out of all decades. Even if the ’80s are viewed as a negative I’m glad it’s resurfacing again. We definitely should keep the culture and colors of the ’80s alive.