While some may see Vet-Tech as just another elective, this is far from the truth. Instructor Amanda Perez teaches students how to handle animals of all kinds and how to best care for them through interactions and exams. While the range has been limited to bunnies and guinea pigs, vet tech has started getting some extra-long helpers.
A litter of three Dachshund puppies, two boys and a girl, came to Robinson for the first time last month to explore, socialize and get their dreaded nail clippings. After a vet student’s family had the litter, they volunteered the three of them to come to class for socialization.
“Their names are Canella, Blackjack and Rolo. They are all from the same litter, and [Gerard] Batista adopted one of them,” Perez said.
At the moment, the whole litter comes to school once a month or so for their nail clippings and the vet tech students’ lessons. The students can learn subjects that they usually can’t with smaller animals— including restraining, potty training, vaccine management and more.
“They’re learning to clip nails, they’re learning how to handle and restrain properly, how to do an exam, leash training and of course potty training,” Perez said.
With the introduction of these puppies, the question of bringing other animals in comes up as well. While the class is making moves to have the capacity to start bringing in more animals by getting more crates, leashes and filing cabinets to keep paperwork in, having multiple adorable balls of fluff running around Robinson is still far off.
“Once we get the proper facilities, we are looking to open. These puppies are all from the same litter, so we don’t have to worry about viruses like parvo or kennel cough. We’re trying to protect them because they are only at home or here, and since they’re all from the same litter we know they wouldn’t get something. We are working on filing and managing intake forms, and then we’re working on how to keep the records up to date so that way we always have things on record,” Perez said.
These extra-long canine additions to our vet tech program not only brighten students’ days but also provide them with new opportunities to learn hands-on techniques from animals that will apply outside of the class. With time and effort, hopefully, even more furry friends will start making their rounds here to Robinson.