Jeb Bush Hosts A Summit On Education


Jeb Bush, former Florida Gov. of 1999, hosted a summit on the education issue at the Hotel Duval in Tallahassee on Feb. 10. Bush spoke about his ideas for the education of the nation due to his decision of wanting to run as president. In his summit, Bush addressed the school-choice programs he began 15 years ago, as well as a voucher program for low-income families.

But what most citizens have commented on is how the Legislature needs to lower the amount of exams. According to them, they take up more time than they should, causing less time for students and teachers to prepare for finals. However, Bush did accept a possible change in policy.

House Speaker, Steve Crisafulli, stated that there won’t be any change of the school accountability.

Concerning Bush’s presidency, many are apprehensive when it comes to the reform that’s been going on for the past 15 years. Some say that his plans for the education reform are only going to weaken the past failed reform that Bush made. Others say that by Bush continuing on his past reform agenda, public schools will go out of business.

Although there have been many complaints, Bush’s political action committee, Right to Rise, has created positive feedback. It has been said that his fundraiser gained him 300 supporters, causing Bush to be a lead Republican candidate for presidency.

Citizens await what will come of Jeb Bush and his run for the presidency.