Due to the required Hurricane make up days Hillsborough County’s Superintendent Van Ayres made the decision to add an extra minute to each class every day of the week after Christmas Break to begin the second semester. It’s bad enough that there aren’t any more early release days but adding even more time on top of that is incredibly ridiculous. What’s the point of adding an extra minute to each class when we’re only going to be leaving school 5 minutes later than we usually do?
Although, I don’t like this change, some people like being in class. So, an extra five minutes could be a breeze for them. But, what about the rest of us, who would rather just be done with school to go home and relax? A minute can make a huge difference in someone’s eyes. Adding five extra minutes to everyone’s schedule is honestly just a huge waste of time, and quite frankly pointless. What’s one extra minute going to do to help your education? Adding an extra minute isn’t going to help these students in any type of manner; but what will help them is being able to go home early and get a good night’s sleep, so when they go to school, they next day they are twice as rejuvenated and more energetic to get learning for the day.
I don’t see the point in having no more early-release days, it’s such a hassle for us students as well as the teachers and staff around school. The teachers won’t be able to have their normal planning period time due to the schedule change, which will cause them to have to make plans during their classes. And absolutely no one wants to be in school until 3:25 on a Monday. Mondays are slow and uneventful to the start of any week and having to be in school and extra hour is absolutely insanity in and of itself.
A large selection of students at our school has jobs and have to work after school and sometimes have to get signed out to make it to their job on time. Adding more time is only making things more stressful for them, and for everyone else as well.
Taking away early release days is one thing in and of itself but adding more time to all school days from now on until the end of the year, that’s too much to ask of anyone. I would love to have a long and civilized conversation with the County’s Superintendent to talk about this “mistake” and “unintentional” correction to the bell schedule they have miraculously made.
Although, while some people agree with this claim, others might not. Some people think it’s a great way to get extra work done during school hours, others think it’s just a great way to make up the missing work from 1st quarter. And lastly, some just like the extra time to talk and hang out with friends at school, some might actually like their classes and wish they could stay longer, well now they can be due to the new bell schedule.