How to maintain a bullet journal (BUJO)

You have your bujo and don’t use it, Let’s change that

Best Self Blooming is an advice blog that covers all aspects of high-school life.

Photo T. Philips

Best Self Blooming is an advice blog that covers all aspects of high-school life.

Emersyn Brown, Staffer

So you’ve started your bullet journal and you’re happy with it, but sadly you have found that your grand plans for a week spread are falling short of what you imagined. Well, fret no more. There is an easy and simple solution to your problem. All you have to do is set time aside for your bullet journal each week.

The best time to do this would be a Sunday night, right before your week is about to start. This is the best way for you to be able to get into the right mindset for the week. The week holds unexpected things but this can be your constant. Set as long as you need aside either during the day or in the evening so that you have plenty of time to focus on the spectacular spread you had in mind.

There is no wrong time to manage your bullet journal.You need to be comfortable in what you’re doing and if you feel rushed you may end up doing something that you’ll regret later. like adding that brown highlighter to your gold and maroon spread.The time you set aside is the perfect time to listen to music and look for inspiration for your bujo. Your bujo should reflect you so really

put yourself into it. There is no need to do exactly what someone else does. Time to get creative. Get them juices flowing. When you find inspiration role with it, that’s what this time is for.

If you find that you don’t have enough time every Sunday then set aside one Sunday of the month to sit down and do a month spread. Giving yourself this time allows for no excuses as to why you’re not using your bujo. You can make it as simple or complicated just make sure that you have all your dates down and any important things

going on in the month. Now that you have that done you will only have to write down day to day things and you won’t have to worry about doing a new

spread for another month. You won’t lose time and you’ll still be organized.

Just a few simple things that could make a big difference in how you use your bullet journal and how you feel about the whole spread idea.