Disney World’s 50th Anniversary Foods Review
Getting a taste of Disney’s 50th Anniversary Foods.
Photo Izzy Rivers
Golden Stitch wall art holding a 50th Year Anniversary medal.
May 11, 2022
As Disney World celebrates its 50th year of being open, foods around the four parks and Disney resorts are presented for visitors to try out. Since I had been staying at Magic Kingdom, I wandered around the park looking for various desserts and lunchtime foods. Being a Passholder and going to Disney so many times, I wasn’t expecting to see such stunning food.

This wasn’t even my choice, and personally, I really didn’t want to try it. These 50th Celebration Spring Rolls are served with two rolls, Pastrami and Pepper Jack, also served with mustard dipping sauce for an extra tang. The first bite left me questioning what I had just eaten, but the second bite. It was amazing. I’m not a fan of mustard, but it really did add an extra flavor that just made everything better. These rolls cost $9.50 and are definitely a good snack for a long day in the park.

Down in Frontier Land (Magic Kingdom), you can find a churro cart that sells these beauties. The Royal 50th Churro comes with two churros rolled in strawberry sugar, marshmallow cream and shimmer sprinkles on top. It also comes with a warm chocolate dipping sauce for an extra sweet bite. These churros definitely did not disappoint as their perfect mix of sweetness and warm chocolate. These delicious churros cost $7.25, but you’ll be left quenched after a few bites.

Located at Sleepy Hollow in Liberty Square, this EARidescent drink was Haunted Mansion-themed. The drink is a Blackberry Ginger Ale served with a haunted mansion-themed straw and topped off with a mint leaf. I had never had or even thought of trying blackberry before, but I was shocked. This is easily one of my favorite things I have ever tried at Disney, which also helped me cool off quicker in the blazing hot Florida heat. This themed drink is $4.99 and you surely don’t want to miss out.

This Haunted Mansion-themed pop is also found at Sleepy Hollow in Liberty Square. The Lady On The Gravestone Chilling Chamber Pop is a push-pop with citrus cake crumbs, raspberry buttercream, and blue pearls, topped off with an edible image of the Lady On The Gravestone. A plate is recommended when eating this, as pushing it out of the tube causes the pearls to fall off and crumbs to fall. For the price of $5.49, you’ll need a drink along with this sweet treat.
If you plan on going to Disney World before the end of the 50th Anniversary, be sure to try out some of these treats! The 50th Anniversary started on Oct. 1, 2021 and will continue until March of 2023. Maybe even stay to watch a light show on Cinderella’s Castle, the Epcot Ball, the Tree of Life at Animal Kingdom or the Tower of Terror at Hollywood Studios.