Teacher Feature | Mary Wilson


Mary Wilson is a creative teacher at Robinson High School.

Wilson teaches both IB traditional art classes, they include; sculpture, paint, draw and creative 2D design.

She finds that teaching IB art creates academic challenges, her IB students have a more rigorous course and the IB exams are taken at a higher level than the traditional art exams. Whereas traditional students are harder to motivate academically, and their exams are less challenging.

As a child and young adult, Wilson wanted to be an artist. She studied art at Florida State University and took art lessons during the years she attended college. Since then she has become Robinson’s art teacher and also a private art teacher.

Wilson believes creativity is an important part of life and everyone needs to know how to solve problems creatively, and that art is a self-esteem builder.

“I love art and I get a chance to make it and a chance to help students make art all the time, it’s my passion.” said Wilson.