Q&A: Working part-time jobs as a teen
Photo Morgan Felt
Part-time jobs, like working at Panera, can be beneficial but can also come into conflict with school and other commitments.
December 7, 2016
High school is a busy time; between sports school and friends, most high schoolers hardly have time to get enough sleep, let alone get a job. But for some teens, part-time employment is a part of their busy schedules.
We interviewed four members of the Robinson community and found out their personal experiences with part time jobs.
Nicholas Chesney (’18): Lifeguard at a Boy Scout camp on the weekends.
“My favorite part about my job is making money so I can spend it. I also like the feeling of satisfaction I feel of helping the youth,” Chesney said.
Lilliam Clavijo (’17): Working at Kumon
“It wasn’t hard until second semester junior year and first semester senior year. It’s been pretty chaotic, but I managed after a few months to learn balance.”
James Willoughby (’18): Winn Dixie
“I think that it teaches you what working in the real world is like.”
Martha Landron, IB Spanish Teacher: Worked in retail as a teen in Columbia.
“Working helped me to have the value for money. When I knew exactly what I had to work for, I became conscious and I wanted to buy everything cheap and save money because I knew how difficult it was to work,” Landron said.