Pin curls and tardy slips

The new student affairs office welcomes a new secretary with ’40s flair.


Robinson’s new Student Affairs Secretary, Mia Dues

Jules Whitaker, Features and Opinion Editor

You wouldn’t expect to be greeted by a friendly face when coming to school tardy, nor would you expect that friendly face to be styled in classic ’40s attire. But Mia Dues, the newest student affairs secretary, does both.

Every day, Dues is dressed in a fashionably ’40s outfit, with accessories and hair to match.

“It has always been innately in me to be driven more towards the classic styles of fashion, television, film, movies— anything you think of,” Dues said.

She attributes her style to the ’50s american sitcom I Love Lucy and states that show inspired her to dress up in that classic era of fashion. Another inspiration for her style-choice was from her time spent in Los Angeles California, where she worked in the entertainment business.

“When I got to LA, that was when it [my fashion sense] was really able to come out due to the accessibility to all of that, because it was pretty profound there,” she said.

After spending several years in the entertainment industry, Dues chose another career path and that brought her to Robinson.

“I wanted a change after I got out of entertainment and I wanted to make a transition into education, but wasn’t exactly sure of which path in education I wanted to do. I figured I could dip my toes in by working in the office and get a feel for what goes on behind the scenes in a school and just go from there,” she said.

Mia Dues now works as a secretary in the student affairs office at Robinson and works alongside the other student affairs secretary Dana Isbell. Isbell shared that the addition of Dues to the office has increased efficiency as well as helped with the rush of students they often encounter.

“She [Dues] makes my day enjoyable. We have a great time in here,” Isbell said.

Isbell also mentioned that in her first seven months of working as the student affairs secretary, she worked alone in the office and now that Dues works with her, she is thankful for her helpful presence.

Although Dues is not certain of if her future at Robinson will involve administrative work or teaching, she did share that her choice of subject would be a science.

“Science was my major in college— pre-veterinarian medicine was technically my major— but if I taught it would be like biology or animal science, anything relating to those types of sciences,” Dues said.