ISSUE 4: …and another Editor’s Letter

Samuel Elliott, Print Managing Editor

We went with a shorter issue this time, for many reasons that luckily anyone reading this paper doesn’t have to care about. This is also my last issue as print managing editor, as next year I’m moving on to university.

I started working in the journalism team in 2019 as a staff writer, and in 2021 they asked me if I’d like to take the position of print managing editor. I tentatively accepted, and after a summers’ training in InDesign & Photoshop I went into the position. Given that my main job is overseeing the production of the newspaper, I’ve tried to make it so each issue is, if not good, at least fun and interesting.

Over the course of this year, we’ve worked together as a staff to produce four print issues, with each one better than the last. The entire editorial team, as well as every last staff writer, has put in their best work in each issue, and it truly can’t be understated how much of a collaborative effort making a newspaper is. My sincere thanks goes out to everyone on staff for dealing with me messaging them at 3 a.m. for stuff, and for making it a great time. Here’s to issue 4.