“Jesus Pizza” Today During Lunches

It’s that time again! First Priority meets outside of the lunchroom during all three lunches twice every semester. Sponsored by First Priority, the pizza lunches are organized and led by students leaders. The pizza, chips, and lemonade are all donated by local churches

Amber Johanson is the leader of the First Priority pizza lunches. “[The purpose of the lunches is that] we want students to repond by sharing with others what they learn, and encourage the people around them with leadership skills,” said Johanson.

Speakers meet every Thursday to organize and plan the discussions for the lunch.

“First priority is a faith based non-profit organization and all of the leaders offer to participate. Parents also volunteer,” said Johanson.

Between all three lunches, First Priority expects 450 students to come outside for free pizza, chips and lemonade and to listen to inspiring speakers. The lunches have been going on for 4 years.

“About 8-10 students help to get the lunches organized and planned,” she said. “Our goal is to build a better community starting with the students.”