Scott Skids Through, Amendment 2 Falls

Isabel Hanewicz, RHStoday Editor-in-Chief

Gov. Rick Scott narrowly beat Democrat Charlie Crist last night, winning by a little over 71,000 votes. The final percentage was 48.2 percent Scott, 47 percent Crist. Crist, who was the former Republican governor of Florida, would have been the state’s first Democratic governor since 1994 if he won.

Republican incumbent Pam Bondi beat Dem. George Sheldon in the race for attorney general.

Amendment 2, which sought to legalize certain strains of marijuana in Florida for medicinal use, fell with 58 percent of voters saying yes and 42 percent saying no. In order for it to pass, it would have needed a 60 percent majority.

Amendment 3, regarding judicial vacancies, also failed to pass. Amendment 1, which gives billions of dollars towards conservation in the next 20 years, passed with 75 percent of the vote.

Locally, April Griffin won her third term for a countywide seat in the School Board. Griffin is known as being a critic of School Board Superintendent Mary Ellen Elia. In South Tampa’s District 2, Sally Harris, who ran on a platform against the new Common Core standards, beat out Michelle Shimberg by a slim margin.

In national news, the GOP received enough seats to gain the majority in the Senate, giving them complete control of Congress.