Upcoming Sports Events in January

Ashlea Daniels, Staff Writer

January 9th- Girls Soccer Senior Night, the game starts at 6:00 pm.

 There’s a cheer leading competition at Robinson starting at 6:30 pm.

January 23- Girls Basketball Senior Night, game starts at 6:30 pm and after the girls game, during the boys game there is Break The Silence. You can earn 2 service hours for attending the boys game. From the start of the game until we we score our 9th point it is to be completely silent in the gym besides the players, coaches, and officials. When the Knights score their 9th point thee crowd is to scream and cheer to break the silence. This is to raise awareness about domestic violence.

“It’s important for people to show up so we can be loud, proud, and unified and raise awareness about domestic violence to try and end it,” said Matthew Reinecke (’18).