Cheers echoed across the bay as fleets of pirates launched treasures from their vessels to thousands of fellow buccaneers wearing enough beads to sink a ship. This year’s Gasparilla Children’s Parade ran for nearly three hours riding floats, collecting beads and socializing in the predecessor to the main Gasparilla Parade, held the following weekend.
The Gasparilla Children’s Parade has been a Tampa tradition since 1947, almost as long as the Gasparilla parade itself. It has come a long way from being comprised of schools and children’s organizations pulling homemade floats through downtown; now, the children’s parade is as elaborate as the main event, sporting dozens of rafts and hours of entertainment among plenty of activities for younger kids. Participants could have taken part in a bicycle and pedestrian safety demonstration, a swarm of young pirates sailing their ships across Bayshore Blvd, a fantastic airshow, the main event–the parade and finishing off the exciting afternoon with a mesmerizing firework display.
Some Robinson students were thrilled to be invited onto floats from various organizations.
Students from our very own Robinson were on a float as well for VooDoo Chef, a culinary program in Tampa. Janeice Mitchner (‘25) and Joseph Dillard (‘25) shared their experiences.
“[The best part was] chucking beads,” Mitchner said. “This was my first time going to Gasparilla. I definitely had a great time.”
Dillard celebrated his first Gasparilla as well. “It was fun seeing everyone dressed up and throwing beads,” he said.
Partaking in the parade from the sideline was also entertaining. More than just collecting pirate treasure, Logan DelleChiaie (’28) cherished the connections made with other parade-goers. “It was really cool to meet and interact with people,” DelleChiaie said.
More of those who attended the parade claimed that it was “fun” and “exciting.” One participant said that it was “nostalgic,” looking back on their previous parade experiences.
Smiles and laughter filled the evening as the parade sailed through nearly three hours. Families new and familiar with the event attended. One family holds a very unique connection to Gasparilla.
When a student in elementary school, the father, pirate Captain Bellamy, in the family participated in the parade in the Cub Scouts float as well as a part of the Robinson Marching Band.
“Since he and I got together we’ve been trying to come every year. And then COVID hit,” the mother, Captainess Bellamy said. But despite the obstacles of the pandemic, the mother had still attended the parade eight times, and the father 15. “It’s been a part of our lives for so long.”
“This is his first parade,” she said, holding her son, whom they named after a real pirate, Samuel Bellamy. “We’re excited to share it [the parade experience] with him.”
It is safe to say that this year’s parade was one for the books, or rather, for the treasure maps.