Receiving the changes COVID-19 has summoned

Predicting how COVID-19 will change our daily routines

An example of a one-way sign located in hallways and walkways. These displays aim to diminish the traffic going from class to class.

Photo Sarai Cochran

An example of a “one-way” sign located in hallways and walkways. These displays aim to diminish the traffic going from class to class.

Sarai Cochran, Staff Writer

We’ve all definitely had to accept the changes COVID-19 has presented to us whether we like it or not. It’s something that we all might have to accept because it might stay like this for the rest of our lives. Some changes like limited capacity may not be the same when it’s over, but I do believe that if not most, all of the things that COVID-19 introduced to us have become our daily routine.

For example, the most obvious thing that we’ve had to accept is the masks. I believe that once this pandemic is “over,” most people will still be wearing masks. Before the pandemic, people still wore masks in China, not only because of the polluted air but because of the SARS outbreak that happened 19 years ago. I don’t think masks will ever truly “go away.” 

COVID has definitely changed the way we live our lives, so I don’t think school will ever be the same. When someone gets COVID they have to switch to remote learning. Not only do you have to switch to virtual when quarantined but you switch to virtual if you’re absent or sick and don’t come to school. This is one of the things that I strongly believe will never disappear. It’s a new option that I think many will take advantage of when necessary.

When I was younger, I remember not being at school for a few days and not having to worry about school because I’m not there, but I feel like there’s no excuse now. For example, if you don’t go to school and miss a few days, then come back and say that you don’t know what to do, many teachers will say that you should’ve gone on Zoom. The Zoom factor is something I believe will be accessible, but in some ways, a bummer.

Walkways are also a big thing that has changed at school. There are only one-way hallways and one-way staircases. It has definitely helped with the traffic at school and kept passing periods more organized. Even when the tape and signs come down, I still think that people will stick to those routes to class.

Before COVID, some teachers had assigned seats and some didn’t. However, since we’ve come back to school seat assignments have been mandatory. It’s crucial to assign seats in class because if someone were to test positive for COVID or has been around someone who had it the school can contact trace, which has been really helpful for both teachers and the students.

Another big thing COVID has brought to the world is social distance. Social distance has been quite difficult at school especially due to how many kids in a class there are, even with Hillsborough County trying to separate people as best as they can. I don’t think social distancing will stay the same when COVID is over, since you can only separate so many people in the classrooms and lunchrooms.

Something that I think COVID has definitely taught us is to stay clean. Making sure that things are wiped down and ensuring that people clean after themselves is really important. This is the number one thing that I know will always be around when COVID is over.

Everything happens for a reason. I think that people should some of the good that can come out of everything, and COVID-19 has offered just that.