Hooters is Sexualizing Workers More Than Ever

Are the new Hooters shorts just enforcing female sexualization in the workforce?

Keirra McGoldrick, Staff Writer

Hooters is a very well known American based restaurant that’s known for their family atmosphere, wings, burgers and waitresses. You might be wondering ‘their waitresses?’. Well, even though they might be famous for their food, they’re also famous for their waitress’s uniforms being tiny black or orange shorts and swoop neck tank tops. That classic uniform has been around for as long as anyone can remember, and still is today. But, about a week ago, they’ve changed a bit. Think of women’s bathing suit bottoms but shorter. These shorts have no place being at any type of establishment and it’s not right for them to be forcing their waitresses to wear them.

Now, I know what you’re thinking ‘who cares? it’s just a restaurant’. Hooters has been known to sexualize their female workers and nothing is being done about it. And yes, the employees know what they’re signing up for before they even apply for the job, but that was before they were given basically underwear as their uniforms and told to deal with it. Some of these women can’t afford to quit so they have to deal with the possibility of men (or women) to be looking at them in sexual ways while they’re just trying to earn a living. Some have even experienced sexual comments made towards them. Some may say that it’s a compliment, but its not.

In a 2018 ‘GQ’ article, Brittanny Anderson, a former waitress for Hooters, said “It is an entire job based on sexual harassment. You are paid to be sexually harassed and objectified…” This was said a full three years before the new shorts were implemented.

The waitresses also have to undergo routine uniform checks every shift. They must wear their hair down, their hair and makeup must look natural (even if their hair is dyed), their tights must be darker than their original skin tone and must not have any rips in them. If they have rips, they must change them. They say that its not really about taking orders but to entertain and to sell Hooters merch just as much as the food. Anderson tells GQ, “…the essence of the role is based on female sex appeal…”

The new shorts that are enforced as their uniforms is just appalling. They’re shorter than ever and is disgusting that anyone ,that determines the uniforms they have to wear, approved of them. I personally don’t plan on going to Hooters again any time soon until they change this insane policy and stop purposefully sexualizing their female workers.