New with the Knights: Pokèmon Go
Because the Pokèmon Go app works with GPS location, this student pulls up the app in school and looks at the real time Robinson Pokèmon.
September 12, 2016
The street lamps cast a strong glare, bolding the words “Dawn to Dusk” that appear on the gate encompassing Baybridge Park. It’s 3 a.m., yet this is one of the busiest nights the park has seen in ages, with 20-year-olds all decked out in Pikachu T-shirts and Ash Ketchum baseball caps.
Why? The answer is simple.
Pokèmon Go.
Niantic’s summer launch of the mobile app Pokèmon Go has revolutionized the gaming and application industry.
If you aren’t already familiar, Pokèmon Go is an mobile app that uses your GPS location in order for the player to travel around and catch mythical creatures called Pokèmon. The name Pokèmon comes from the Japanese word for “pocket monsters.” There are hundreds of Pokèmon, each with a unique name and type along with different attacks and moves.
Pokèmon Go has caused global uproar, with an estimated 9.5 million active daily players internationally. It has quickly gained more users than many other social media apps such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
But because of the game’s large user population, many people are concerned about the safety of users.
“If I’m out playing at night I know what to stay away from and I know how to be safe, but I fear for much younger players, or just other players in general that they might not be so careful,” Jorge Delgado (’20) said.
And many people are justified in their concerns; there have been a multitude of cases from robberies to attempted kidnappings late at night because of the app. However, this app also has many positive aspects.
“I’ve met so many new people playing this game. I’ll just be walking around the park and people approach me, asking ‘What team are you?’ and ‘What’s your best Pokèmon?’” said Nicholas Carlstedt (’20). “Overall, I feel it can unite people because everyone can play it.”
Because Pokèmon Go uses your real time GPS location, the best way to catch Pokèmon is to move, and the only way to hatch eggs, another aspect of the game, is to walk.
“I’ve been noticing myself having more energy lately,” said Sophie DeAnnuntis (17′). “Pokemon Go has made me exercise and has motivated me to get out of the house a lot more.”
Overall, the Pokèmon Go craze has its ups and downs, but it has united all of the Pokèmon fans and new players, has made people more active, and has revolutionized the mobile application game.