Robinson Blows Past Blake to Make Playoffs Once Again
In a nail-biting game, the Knights emerged victorious beating Blake High School.
Photo Chelsea Rodriguez
(From Left to Right) Aydan Holloway (’23), Jay Maurer (’26) and Nyzier Coleman (’26) cheering on their teammates from the sidelines after they made a touchdown.
November 2, 2022
In a game that started off bleak in the first quarter, the Knights charged onto the field facing the Blake Yellow Jackets and ultimately ended up winning another victory for Robinson. The match not only proved to be a thrilling event for both sides but also ended up being the deciding factor in pushing the Knights into the playoffs with the final score being 50-13.
At the start of the first quarter, Blake managed to make their way onto Robinson’s four-yard line. They were briefly stopped by defensive tackle Aydan Holloway (’23) who was able to gain possession of the ball and move them back towards the 10-yard line. The Knights persevered and were able to pull back onto their 20-yard line, but not long after Blake was able to snag the ball and score the first touchdown of the game. As the first quarter continued Blake completed a pass awarding them another touchdown along with an extra point. Robinson was then able to keep them at bay for the rest of the quarter leaving the score 0-13.
Although they were off to a rocky start the Knights pushed forward using their momentary loss as fuel to win. Quarterback Eric Archield Jr. (’25) scored the first touchdown for Robinson, the knights then completed a pass for a two-point conversion bringing them up 8-13. With a minute left in the second quarter and the Knights on the Yellow Jacket’s six-yard line, they successfully executed a six-yard pass scoring a touchdown alongside an extra point made afterward. This bought the final score of the first half 15-13 with Robinson up by two.
“After that [the first touchdown] I knew we had them where we wanted them because they’re used to playing nobody’s and we’re not the same team that they’ve played, so I knew once I scored that [the] game was done,” Archield said. “Of course, there was pressure because it’s a big game, but I just had to keep everybody calm because we are the better team and we just had to play that way, but we turned it back around.”
The third quarter began with Robinson obtaining possession of the ball on their 43-yard line. Wide receiver Jeremiah Fernandez (’23) then caught a long pass and ran the ball onto Blake’s 21-yard line. After pushing the Yellow Jackets back onto their 12-yard line, wide receiver Kassim Johnson (’23) scored a touchdown. Robinson then was able to score another point afterward making the score 22-13. With just minutes left the Knights scored yet again with a touchdown made by running back Allan Lewis (’24), ending the third quarter with a score of 29-13.
“We weren’t really surprised but we were happy we got ourselves out the gutter,” Lewis said. “In all honesty, we didn’t really feel much pressure but we did have to tighten up which we did.”
Although Blake fought hard, they were no match for Robinson and remained unable to obtain any points for the remainder of the game. In a showstopping, last quarter Robinson managed to score 21 points against Blake absolutely squashing those Yellow Jackets and bringing to final score to 50-13.
This is the last home game played by the Knights, but they still have another game away against the Berkeley Bucs on Friday, Nov. 4.