The golf courses of country clubs and military bases have hosted the seven-player strong men’s golf team. Lead by Coach Mccray and duel-captained by students Sam Woodford (’25) and Colton Fair (’25), the Boy’s Golf Team had found some success last season, making it to Regionals. On the road to any team’s success, good support is vital, and the Robinson Boy’s Golf Team has that in the form of the supportive Head Coach McCray.
[Coach Mccray]’s been a great coach and mentor in the 3 years I’ve had him,” Woodward said. “He is always real and does not sugar coat things, as well as always trying to find the best in us [players].”
First year golfer James Arong (’27) would agree. He says that has made an effort in ensuring all players are given the tools needed to succeed, on and off the course. This all0ws the collective of players to lead, despite logistical and physical constraints. This leadership will be needed, as a large turnover in players will be happening this year and into next season.
“We return seven players from last year’s team but 6 of those are Seniors so we will need to bring in some younger players for the future of the team,” McCray said. “Every season, all players will be trying out…and the best players will make the team. I will probably have to carry a few more players this season than last due to the number of players I will lose after this season.”
Many fall sports find themselves in the shadow of the football team and the massive school culture surrounding their games. Third year member of the team and long-time golfer Caden Coulon (’25) feels that Robinson Boy’s Golf is truly misread and misunderstood. However, this does not discourage the team as they play Golf for the betterment of themselves, not to draw a massive crowd of adoring fans.
“As a school with little attention in the golf scene, we sometimes feel underestimated,” Coulon said. “However, we [the players] come together to play our own matches to improve and become a better team.”
Not including incoming freshmen, the Boy’s Golf Team will only have seven players this season. Many experienced players have graduated this year and more will graduate soon, putting even further strain on the team’s ability to compete. In opposition to these disadvantages, players on the Robinson Boy’s Golf Team are attempting to further distinguish their skills from others. The only was to build skills however is strenuous practice in the Florida fall heat.
“Our practices where we play against each other in a 3v3 format have allowed us to gain a competitive edge over others,” Co-Captain Sam Woodward (’25) said.
Alongside this, Boy’s Golf have invested time into fundraising. In doing so, they are not just helping 2024-2025 players find success, but also future players. McCray has made an effort in ensuring all players are given the tools needed to succeed, on and off the course. This all0ws the collective of players to lead, despite logistical and physical constraints.
“Golf is different than many other team sports, in that you really are competing as a single against the course. Yes, we add the scores up to make a ‘team’ score, but you don’t have much help as for your personal score,” McCray said. “My most important duty is to provide the players with consistent practice time with positive feedback on their skills, course management and managing mistakes.”