“The Crown” Doesn’t Disappoint for Royal Viewers
The hit Netflix show “The Crown” is back with a season five.
Photo Netflix
Season five’s release poster of “The Crown.”
November 18, 2022
With the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II, many, including myself, were patiently waiting for the arrival of a show that told the story of her, and the royal family’s, life in great detail. Out of all five seasons, however, the most recent has to be my favorite. A beautifully told story that mainly follows the divorce of the late Princess Diana and now King Charles III and is by far the most interesting.
The series has shown many defining moments in the Queen’s reign such as the Suez Crisis and the Aberfan Disaster. But this most recent season and the events leading up to Princess Diana’s death, including her divorce, are what have made season five the absolute best. This season covered things such as the fire at Windsor Castle, Princess Diana’s “revenge dress” and the tragedy of Ipatiev House.
Each episode, like others before, went along with a different historical event within the timeframe. Netflix did nothing to protect the royal family’s image when depicting possibly the lowest point in the “New Elizabethan Era.” The majority of the season also shows a battle between traditional and outdated views, versus a more modern view of how marriage and society should be.
Ever since the third season, there has also been a revolving door of new, more age-appropriate actors. I’m not going to lie, after seeing Claire Foy be replaced with Olivia Coleman in the role of Queen Elizabeth, I did boycott watching for about a week or two in retaliation. After watching about half the season, however, I rather liked the new cast. My favorite cast, however, would have to be from season four. It’s completely understandable that the actors need to be age appropriate and coincide with the timeline accurately, but refreshing the actors so often makes it difficult to comprehend the story properly.
The season five cast would defiantly have to be my least favorite out of all of them and is, in my opinion, the only fault of the season. The only character that has stayed enjoyable throughout the seasons would have to be Prince Phillip who also happens to be my favorite character.
Netflix has announced that the show was renewed for a sixth and possibly final season in response to the Queen’s death, paying respect to the royal family following the death of a historical monarch.