As assignments pile up, hours of sleep plummet, and the incredibly validating Canvas sleeping panda travels further and further away from ever being possible, it’s hard to maintain any sense of academic hope. But keep in mind, after the academic tempest, a rainbow appears—and that rainbow is spring break.
Quarters 3 and 4 are no joke, so it’s important to remember to utilize Spring Break to its fullest extent. This looks very different for different people. Whether you’re a burn your homework the day school ends type of person, or a can’t do anything until you finish your work break kind of person, here is a list of all the ways EVERYONE should be spending their spring break this year.
1. Put that phone away.
Please, do not stop reading by the title of this paragraph, if anything, it’s good you’re reading… even if it’s just this sentence and not that phone! Phones are the all-time killers of successful school breaks. At first, you’ll say you need to binge that one show you weren’t able to because of all that homework you had, but one episode of Gossip Girl will turn into 3 seasons in a minute, and you know it. Many a time, I have gone into breaks with this same mentality, and in turn, mourning all the lost minutes I spent scraping the bottom of the YouTube barrel (including Mr. Beast) instead of receiving literal sunlight. You need to quite literally touch grass, ride your bike, walk around your neighborhood,d and discover new people and things you didn’t know. I have always envied the people who said they had the out-all-day, only inside for dinner, neighborhood gang-type childhoods and then I remember I’m still young and able to do these things. Obviously, it won’t be “The Sandlot”, but you’re never too old to go out and explore, even if that’s now by car and not a bike.
2. Purchase tickets to a waterpark
Speaking of childhood regrets, I regret every day as a child not spent in a waterpark. Waterparks are basically the greatest places on Earth because they combine two world wonders: amusement parks and lazy rivers. I used to go to Adventure Island here in Tampa all the time, and I miss everything about it. The drop chambers, duo rafts, racing slides, awkwardly adjusting your bathing suit in public- all of it. And with all these wonderful activities that make up these parks, I can’t remember a single time anyone has ever asked me to go to one. Have waterparks become irrelevant? My goal this spring break is to change that and invite everyone I know to come with me and drift down an endless pool while talking about anything but school.
3. Go camping
Now, I don’t care if you’re not an outdoors person, camping is for anything that lives and breathes, including the critters that may crawl into your tent in the middle of the night. You don’t have to sleep in a sleeping bag on the floor—there’s no shame in how you choose to camp. “Glamping” is still better than staying home in the same environment every day. You don’t have to leave that far from home, you could go to any nearby state park. Walking around unfamiliar places and seeing new things is vital, and camping does just that. It’s extremely cheap and involves s’mores—what more could you ask for?
4. Go on as many picnics as possible
Picnics are a great way to spend your free time as they can be as cheap or as expensive as you want, and are very versatile in nature. You can make a picnic out of any kind of food, you could have a bunch of sweet treats that you and your friends hand-made, or you could have some pub subs and chips. The food isn’t important, it’s more about the location and the friends you bring along with you. Try to find a scenic park with a lake, or maybe just a pretty tree in your neighborhood, picnics are easy and fun, and a great time waster for spring break.
5. Go to any market in your area
Markets are a fun and Instagram-worthy way to spend your days over break. There are plenty of markets in Tampa, and while a lot of them are more aligned with the Sunday morning variety, you can also find plenty of unique craft or night markets all around the city, especially if you’re down for a drive to St. Pete. If you are interested in hand-crafted goods, clothing, food, or just being able to walk around with your friends and appreciate the pretty booths, then going to a market might just be the way you should spend your break.
Above all else, allow yourself a break. You quarter 4 self will thank you.