ISSUE 4: Senior Letter

Ingalls Witte, Multimedia Editor

Dear Knight Writers,

Though my time on staff has been relatively short-lived compared to my fellow seniors, it’s surreal to see it come to an end. When I chose to join newspaper my junior year, I had never written an article or picked up a camera and still used the Oxford comma. In such a minute amount of time, I’ve grown as a writer, a photographer, a “news anchor” and a Knight Mic host. But even more than that, I have grown as a person- and that is all thanks to the wonderful, talented individuals that have shown me an unwavering amount of support, joy and love.

Though it may be cliché to say, I truly have found a family in the journalism classroom. From the moment I entered, I was encouraged by everyone around me to venture out of my comfort zone and find my voice, whether that be in front of the camera, on the sidelines of football games or in extremely opinionated political pieces. The confidence you all have granted me is something I will carry forever.

As I reflect on my experiences with this amazing group of people with misty eyes and a heavy heart, my sadness to move on is outweighed by the gratitude to have been allowed to be a part of such an incredible publication. Even if I had joined four years ago, it still wouldn’t have been enough time spent with you all.

Thank you for everything Knight Writers.