Back to School Issue: Things You Need to Gear Up for Success

Must-haves for the new school year.


Photo Cecilia Cheng

Items mentioned in the story that you will need throughout the school year.

Cecilia Cheng, Print Managing Editor

As Target fills its isles with Back to School supplies, it’s time to start preparing for the new school year. While some may enjoy Back to School shopping, it can be an overwhelming experience for many of us. Sometimes it’s not just notebooks and pens, who knows what else you’ll need throughout the year? Fear no more, because here are five essentials you will need for this upcoming school year that are not on your supply list.

1. A Sturdy Water Bottle

If I have learned anything from my time at Robinson, it is that you will get thirsty throughout the school day. You will need a sip of water after speedwalking across the school in five minutes under this Florida heat and of course, staying hydrated is super important for your health. I recommend getting a 32 oz insulated water bottle; your water will stay cold throughout the day and 32 oz is the perfect size. If you ever need more, there are always water fountains around the school (for the coldest water, use the one in the science hallway).

2. Collapsible umbrella

This is by far one of the most important things I have in my backpack. I cannot describe the number of times that I have walked into class soaking wet because it started randomly pouring outside. Now, I understand it might be a hassle having to carry around one more thing in your backpack, but, this will save you from getting soaked when it’s raining cats and dogs outside. As of July 28, you can get a collapsible umbrella on Amazon for under $10.

3. A Planner

This has made handling my heavy workload much more manageable and was what saved me during my junior year. Personally, I prefer using digital calendars when organizing my schedule, especially Google Calendar. I like having the flexibility to easily color-code due dates and test dates, along with the convenience of accessing it from any of my devices.

4. Laptop and a charger

Especially after COVID, I feel many things for school have moved digitally. Submitting assignments, checking for important updates and even taking tests are all online now. I would advise you to invest in a laptop (and case) that you can bring to school because your laptop will become your best friend. I’ve used a laptop almost every day of my junior year and I can most definitely say it has saved many hand cramps. Many stores are also having sales for laptops for students right now. I would recommend a Microsoft Surface Pro 8 or a MacBook Air. Even though this is a big investment, it will be worth every penny in the end.

5. Headphones/AirPods

I never leave my house without my AirPods. This might not be an essential you would have thought of, but I needed them on so many occasions last year. Sometimes, you just need a break from all the chaos happening at school. Putting in my AirPods and blasting music at lunch, or a break, always helps me de-stress, whether it’s before a big presentation or a test.

You will be ready to conquer this school year with these five essentials. I wouldn’t have survived these past three years without any of these items and surely, they will be in my backpack for the 2023-2024 school year.