RHSToday in Fashion: Southern style
Standing out in southern attire
Rylin Stewart (’24) stands outside of a classroom for a photo, posing casually in his everyday style.
February 8, 2021
Rylin Stewart (’24) stands out at Robinson High School with his boots and cowboy hat, and his style just matches his southern drawl. Stewart’s style is rooted in Southern pride, which he sports daily.
His cowboy hat is vintage, a heirloom passed down for three generations. It is a black felt hat with a thin brown decorative belt-like piece wrapped around the middle. Stewart also wears a black t-shirt reading “O’Reilly” over the corner pocket in green. He pairs this simple shirt with a pair of blue jeans and Durango cowboy boots. For an added pop of color, he utilizes his red lanyard by wearing it in a fashion where it casually falls out of his pocket.
Where are you from originally? Does this affect your wardrobe choice?
“I’m from North Carolina; where I’m from this is just how people typically dress.”
Have you had this style for awhile or is it something you’ve recently adopted?
“It’s something I’ve done for awhile, I’ve always dressed like this. My parents wear a similar style, really my whole family. The hat I’m wearing was actually passed down from my great grandfather down the line, and now I have it.”
Where do you typically like to shop?
“I go wherever I’m told. I’m not a big shopper, so I usually just find something wherever my mom takes me.”
What is your favorite part of your outfit?
“Definitely the boots. They’re Durangos, and they feel like walking on air.”
How do people typically respond to your style?
“Most people around the school have responded pretty positively to it. I think it’s largely because it’s different, it’s something you don’t see a lot around here.”