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The student news site of Robinson High School

Knight Writers

The student news site of Robinson High School

Knight Writers

The student news site of Robinson High School

Knight Writers

Lucie Jassey ('26) and Aiaru Akylvayeva ('27) chat with one another during class.

ISSUE 2: Jassey Joins the Robinson Community

Charlotte Stone, Co-Editor-In-Chief December 11, 2023

At Robinson, the MacDill Air Force base is close by, inviting Lucie Jassey. She's not just any new student, though – she's part of a mix of students who's roots aren't laid down in America. From baguettes...

IB Students Take Trip to Spiffs

IB Students Take Trip to Spiffs

Michelle Santacreu and Frankie Wilson October 31, 2014

All IB sophomores and all students of Charles Ward’s Spanish and French classes attended the Saint Petersburg International Folk Fair Society or SPIFFS today. SPIFFS is celebrating their 40thanniversary...

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