District scratches this year’s midterms

COVID-19’s impact has dismissed first semester exams

Hanna Malone, Sports Editor

Midterm exams will not take place this year in order to ensure students’ and faculty members’ health and safety, with a limited testing window due to an abundance of COVID-19 related concerns and challenges. The copious schedule changes that ensued within the first semester are also a factor in the decision made by the district and the Hillsborough County Teacher Association, or HCTA.

However, despite the cancellation, an exception will be put in place. After winter break, students will be offered the opportunity to partake in a semester exam if they have Ds or Fs for their first and second quarter grades, as a midterm test gives them the chance to bring up their overall grade, therefore earning the course’s credit.

A list of potential testers and more information regarding the process will be released in late January by the Assessment and Accountability program. Robinson High School is responsible for the arrangement of a safe and secure testing environment on campus for eLearning students who wish to take a midterm exam.

Courses such as Algebra 1, Geometry, U.S. History and Biology do have a required midyear assessment. Teachers of other subjects are still expected to administer their own assessments in class in order to monitor their students’ learning progress, though they will not be included in any Value-Added Models (VAM) calculations.