Q&A With Robinson Principal Robert Bhoolai

Robinson’s principal sheds some light on plans for the upcoming school year.


Photo Juno Le

Bhoolai stands in front of one of the decorated walls in the Main Office.

Samuel Elliott, Print Managing Editor

With the upcoming school year approaching rapidly, many students and parents have questions about a variety of topics. To help shed some light on what things are going to look like this year, we ‘sat down’ via email with Robinson’s Principal, Robert Bhoolai, to gain some insight on everything from sports, safety, and summer, to the year in general. Here’s what he had to say.

RHSToday: What are you personally excited about this upcoming school year?

Robert Bhoolai: “I am excited to welcome back our students, staff, volunteers, and community. It has been a long time since we have hosted our entire RHS family in one building”

RHSToday: The tentative easing of restrictions is sure to be beneficial for many students’ learning this school year; how do you feel it is important for students to be able to have that in-person connection with their education?

RB: “I firmly believe students learn best in front of teachers. Our students performed admirably last year, but learning can be maximized in a physical classroom setting in ways a virtual classroom cannot replicate.”

RHSToday: How has Robinson been preparing for the upcoming school year over the summer? Any programs, camps, practices, or volunteer work you’d like to highlight?

RB: “RHS held several transition camps throughout July to welcome students new to RHS. We were happy to welcome several hundred students to RHS. We oriented them to campus through several scavenger hunt activities. We introduced them to key staff members and allowed them to meet each other in a safe space. [The] staff has also been busy drafting instructional plans and events for the 21-22 school year.”

RHSToday: Any word on the status of extracurricular clubs, and sports this year? Will everything be returning at full steam, or are any general changes being made?

RB: “Student clubs will resume during the 21-22 school year. As outlined in the HCPS Reopening Plan, sports will move forward as well!”

RHSToday: Many parents and students alike share reasonable concerns about their safety, in being back in the school environment. What practices are being adopted or continued this school year to maintain a safe return to the classroom?

RB: “HCPS has adopted a comprehensive reopening plan that highlights the recommendations and requirements to ensure a smooth opening. Students will have access to water bottle fill stations to mitigate students sharing a traditional water fountain. Students will also have access to sanitizer, wipes, etc. in their classrooms, similar to last school year.

RHSToday: And finally, are there any recommendations or announcements you’d like RHS parents, students, or staff to know coming into this school year?

RB: “RHS faculty and staff are committed to providing a comprehensive educational experience for our students. Students will have the opportunity to receive in-person instruction, as well as participate in any clubs or sports they desire. The 20-21 school year proved we can successfully promote safe teaching and learning practices in our school, which we will use to provide opportunities for student success in their endeavors, in and out of the classroom. We are excited to welcome our students back and look forward to the start of a great school year. Go Knights!”


Our sincere thanks to Principal Bhoolai for the informative answers and insight; it looks as if the 2021-2022 school year is shaping up to be great. Make sure to check out the RHS social media pages for more information about upcoming programs, changes, and events, or visit student affairs in the front office.