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Knight Writers

The student news site of Robinson High School

Knight Writers

The student news site of Robinson High School

Knight Writers

Lindsey Chadwick

Lindsey Chadwick, Opinion Editor

Lindsey Chadwick is a senior at Robinson and Opinion Editor for RHSToday and Knight Writers. She’s returning for her second year on staff for her.

She was in Newspaper her sophomore year, but wasn’t able to get in the class last year. Now she’s back and more ready than ever to continue her writing.

“I have lots of good story ideas and I am very passionate about writing my opinions.” She said.

Free time isn’t always in the books for Chadwick. For her, the spring is filled with sports, sports and even more sports. She plays cornerback for flag football and is the senior captain and main pitcher for the District-campion softball team. “Flag football and softball are in the same season so I juggle a lot of stuff,” she said.

Upon getting time to herself, she enjoys the simple things in life, like playing with her three dogs Buddy, Champ and Lucky and watching TV. Of course, these calm moments need to be full of dramatic entertainment, so those TV shows she watches usually fit that category. Her favorite TV shows are “The Gilmore Girls” and “Big Brother” after all.

For Chadwick, the future, both near and far, looks bright. Her excitement for her senior year can barely be contained as she can’t wait for traditional activities like prom, water wars and the senior scavenger hunt. For college, she may not know exactly where she wants to go, but she plans on continuing to play softball.

(Profile by Zoe Thaxton)

All content by Lindsey Chadwick
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